Headaches to Healing


If you experience chronic headaches and migraines, you are not alone. 

Headaches affect about 28 million women in the United States, with three times as many women as men suffering from migraines in adulthood. Headaches and migraines are complicated neurological phenomena, and many sufferers have struggled to find solutions that offer consistent relief. Prescription or OTC medications can help, but they’ll never heal. Living in chronic pain can be debilitating and isolating, and sometimes it can feel easier to give up on your health goals than to make lifestyle changes.

Nearly 1 in 4 households in the U.S. include a migraine sufferer.

Wherever you are on your chronic pain journey, I would love to work with you to find effective natural solutions. My goal is to begin restructuring and rebalancing your body’s physical patterns and autonomic stress response in order to find consistent relief. With the right support and guidance, your body will seek realignment.

It takes a curious and compassionate heart, deep listening skills, safe space, and layered knowledge to unwind the head pain story. Headaches are major signals of distress for the body. By the time these alarm bells are sounding, many other processes of dysfunction are already underway.  

More than 90% of sufferers are unable to work or function normally during their migraine.

My affinity for treating head pain began long before my massage therapy career. I was an athletic kid with many sports-related injuries, leaving me with head, neck, and jaw dysfunction. This has made me headache-prone for most of my life, so I know first-hand about chronic headaches and migraine trauma. I also understand personally how bodywork and health coaching are healthier and more sustainable solutions than dependence on pain medication. 

Medication overuse is the most common reason why episodic migraine turns chronic.

Over the years I have learned a variety of massage modalities to soothe headache and migraine pain. These include deep tissue, Thai-yoga stretching, neuromuscular or trigger point therapy, Ayurvedic style facial acupressure, reiki, craniosacral, hydrotherapy, and intra-oral massage for TMJ dysfunction.  Essential oils and hemp-based wellness products may also be recommended or used in the session to help treat imbalance caused by the body’s physical and emotional stress response.

If you’re considering massage therapy for headache pain, I invite you into a complimentary 30-minute conversation either before a session or over the phone. We’ll dig into your health history, your body’s specific patterns, and develop a recommended plan of bodywork that includes my years of experience as well as tools from my trusted outside resources. 

A treatment plan takes active participation; this is not the passive route for treating pain. However, by remembering the tenets that everything is connected and the body holds infinite wisdom and desire to heal, we will honor your body’s story and aim for targeted lasting relief.

It’s time to get your power back with knowledge about your body and a coach to stay on track.

Free Headaches to Healing sessions can be booked online through Massage Book.