My job mandates deep thoughts, big feelings, great nutrition, and receiving many massages. I know, poor me!

Receiving bodywork is really the only way for me to remember how much humans need nurturing, intuitive, high-quality touch. And then, subsequently, I recall why the heck I’m doing this for a living.

Being receptive, staying open, learning passivity on the table are lessons that translate off the table as well. We find stillness in our bodies when we are vulnerable to a trained professional’s skilled hands. We listen to our inner workings. We ask our mind to take the back seat and put our body behind the wheel.

What have our bodies been wanting to express and let go of?

Being receptive to this with a massage therapist as a witness… that is the essence of massage. It’s a gift.

As we are in the season of gratitude, I want to extend my appreciation to you for participating in the unique and vulnerable exchange of giving and receiving that is massage therapy. There is nothing quite like it, and believe me, I’ve tried a few different alternative therapies.

Massage requires the receiver to stop in their tracks, quiet all the inner voices, intentionally bring themselves into their body, and listen to the unique expression of the giver’s translation of human touch as medicine.

I think the translatable lesson off the table for me is to receive with honor and gratitude and see my giver in their unique human expression. Peace and blessings.


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