Intra-Oral Massage

A regular client of mine usually comes in with shoulder, neck and jaw pain. She especially feels chronic jaw tension which has been diagnosed as TMJ. Unconsciously but relentlessly, she clenches and grinds her teeth and has chewed through two night guards.

Computer-itis Stretches

Since I began a career in bodywork, I’ve become a real wimp at sitting at the computer for long periods of time.  With a laptop, I find it too easy to get into funky positions like a “forward torso slump, shoulders-as-earrings, neck bobbing for...

Striving for Balance

The other day, I found myself ruminating over balance as I was elbow deep in a hamstring. Massage aims to uphold balance within muscle tissue, connective tissue (fascia), bones, energy, and lymph. Humans are up against gravity, aging, postural…

Psoas: Muscle of The Soul

As a massage therapist, swimming through layers of tissue with the intention of iliopsoas release never gets old. This is one of my favorite education points with clients because Psoas tension seems to affect so many of us. This article beautifully sums up…

The Benefits of Detox

I believe that massage therapy can greatly benefit any detox or weight loss program. From personal experience on the receiving end and as a professional bodyworker, I’ve seen many overloaded bodies transform into more supple, aligned, flexible and happy bodies.   As...

Love. Love. Love.

“This diversity of uses and meanings, combined with the complexity of the feelings involved, makes love unusually difficult to consistently define, even compared to other emotional states.” –Wikipedia, Love Yeah, it’s a doozy to explain. That’s why poets and...

The Naked Tree

Winter is near, and amongst other things, it means a skyline of naked trees. I think there is something so beautiful about the vulnerability and sharpness of their branches reaching out toward the grey Pacific Northwest sky. It reminds me of how our bodies go through...

Plunge into the Cold

The 5th of July is right around the corner, and here in Seattle that means warmer days are officially on the horizon. I think its safe to introduce one of my favorite hydrotherapy tricks: cold showers! If I had mentioned this back in February, I may be getting hate...

Learning Thai Massage

I had the privilege to study traditional Thai massage in Thailand with a wonderful teacher, Homprang. She and her husband Christopher own and run the beautiful Baan Hom Samunphra retreat center just outside Chiang Mai, Thailand.