10. Client remains masked while comfortably getting back worked on with no risk of claustrophobia, sinus congestion or triggered trauma response
9. Client and I can talk easier if need be, without muffled answers or straining to be heard
8. Great access to the shoulders’ rotator cuffs in a 3 dimensional way
7. An awesome and different perspective on the hips, also 3 dimensional
6 Gravity lets limbs hang and relax which creates a better letting-go response
5. Greater access to medial fascial lines on legs and hips → connection to the deep inner core Yay Adductors!
4. Greater access to lateral fascial lines → Three cheers for IT band and peroneals!
3. Interesting psoas stretch access (But when isn’t the psoas interesting?)
2. Table Thai massage with more stretches and acupressure
1. Clients often report this is how they sleep at home and they find it extra relaxing →ZZZZZ